We have openings for #music on Feb. 9th, 16th and 23rd. If you're interested in…

February 3, 2013 0Comments by What's New

We have openings for #music on Feb. 9th, physician 16th and 23rd. If you're interested in playing at Pinocchios send us an email at pinocchio@ilovepinocchios.com

Our next performance currently is scheduled for Feb. 15th at 6:30. The Snow Flake Duo what is ed "http://www.thesnowflakeduo.com/");” onclick=”LinkshimAsyncLink.swap(this, "/l.php?u=httpu00253Au00252Fu00252Fwww.thesnowflakeduo.comu00252F&h=5AQHg03y_&s=1");”>http://www.thesnowflakeduo.com/

The Snow Flake Duo